

Nanzan University Center for Linguistics



Nanzan Linguistics

Nanzan Linguistics Special Issues

Ph.D. Dissertations and Research Reports

Author Title
Takita, Kensuke Cyclic Linearization and Constraints on Movement and Ellipsisdownload the file of PDF Ph.D. dissertation (2010)

Downloadable Papers by Linguists Associated with the Center for Linguistics

Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University

18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku
Nagoya, 466-8673, Japan
Phone: +81-52-832-3110 (ext.3547)
FAX :+81-52-832-5688
E-mail: ling-office@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp
Office: L307 (Bldg.-L / 3rd floor)
[ Open: Mon,Wed,Fri, 10:00~16:00 ]