

Nanzan University Center for Linguistics



August 12-14, 2010, Beijing Language and Culture University



DAY 1: Thursday 12 August 2010

[ Session 1 ]
9:20-10:40 Noam Chomsky (Keynote Speaker, MIT)
Poverty of stimulus: unfinished business
[ Session 2 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 2A
11:00-11:40 Liliane Haegeman & Barbara Ürögdi (University of Ghent & Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Referential CPs and DPs: An operator movement account
Parallel Session 2B
11:00-11:40 Theresa Biberauer, Anders Holmberg, Ian Roberts & Michelle Sheehan (University of Cambridge & Newcastle University)
Reconciling formalism and functionalism: a minimalist perspective
[ Session 3 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 3A
13:20-14:00 Ian Roberts (University)
FOFC and alignment: why there are no SVO languages
14:00-14:40 Barry Chung-Yu Yang (National United University)
Licensing null subjects
Parallel Session 3B
13:20-14:00 Jie Zhang & Jiang Liu (University of Kansas)
Patterns of tone sandhi productivity in Tianjin Chinese
14:00-14:40 Chen Qu & Heather Goad (McGill University)
Prosodic licensing and tone sandhi in contour tone languages
[ Session 4 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 4A
15:00-15:40 Michael Barrie (University of Ottawa)
Overt feature movement
15:40-16:20 Tommi Leung & Fatima Al-Eisaei (United Arab Emirates University)
The independence between movement and reconstruction: Evidence from wh-constructions in Emirati Arabic
Parallel Session 4B
15:00-15:40 Artemis Alexiadou & Florian Schäfer (University Stuttgart)
There-insertion and the unaccusativity hypothesis
15:40-16:20 Zhiguo Xie (Cornell University)
The possessive equative sentence in Mandarin: its relation to possession and existence
[ Session 5 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 5A
16:40-17:20 Rahul Balusu (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
OCP effects in Telugu
Parallel Session 5B
16:40-17:20 W.-T. Dylan Tsai (National Tsing Hua University)
EPP as a topic feature: evidence from Chinese applicatives, modals, and reflexive adverbials
[ Session 6 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 6A
8:30-9:10 Chunyan Ning (Tianjin Normal University)
Tinkering sound to produce meaning: Merge and Label from a more biolinguistic perspective
9:10-9:50 Carlo Cecchetto & Caterina Donati (University of Milan-Bicocca)
Relabeling heads: explaining different relativization strategies
Parallel Session 6B
8:30-9:10 Julie Anne Legate (University of Pennsylvania)
Restrictive agreement
9:10-9:50 Sandhya Sundaresan (University of Tromsø (CASTL)/University of Stuttgart)
Monstrous agreement and anaphora
[ Session 7 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 7A
10:10-10:50 Masao Ochi & C.-T. James Huang (University of Osaka & Harvard University)
Classifiers and nominal structure: a parametric approach and its consequences
10:50-11:30 W.-W. Roger Liao & Jean-Roger Vergnaud (University of Southern California)
Phases and DPs
Parallel Session 7B: Poster Session
10:10-11:30 & through lunch time Naoyuki Akaso & Tomoko Haraguchi (Nagoya Gakuin University & Nanzan University)
Japanese relative clauses: larger than TP
Marta Donazzan & Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin (Université Paris 8/CNRS UMR 7023 & Université Paris Diderot/CNRS UMR 7110)
Nominalizers and relativization strategies: the case of DE in Chinese
Mingle Gao (Beijing Language and Culture University)
Syntactic derivation of Chinese resultative compound
Aijun Huang (Macquarie University)
'Insignificance' is significant: acquisition of polarity items in Mandarin Chinese
Haoze Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Chinese VP ellipsis and binding principles B & C--a view from single cycle model
Paroma Sanyal (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
Prosodic well-formedness in Bangla disyllables
Yosuke Sato & Dwi Hesti Yuliani (National University of Singapore)
P-stranding under sluicing in Indonesian, repair by ellipsis and the organization of grammar
Yi (Esther) Su (Macquarie University)
The acquisition of disjunction and conditional in child Mandar
Xiaolu Yang (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
CP and the left periphery in early child Chinese: the case of sentence final particles
[ Session 8 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 8A
13:20-14:00 Abdoulaye Laziz Nchare & Arhonto Terzi (New York University)
Lexicalizing structure crosscategorially
14:00-14:40 C.-M. Louis Liu (Harvard University)
On adjectives in Mandarin Chinese
Parallel Session 8B
13:20-14:00 Peng Zhou, Yi (Esther) Su, Stephen Crain, Liqun Gao & Likan Zhan (Macquarie University & Beijing Language and Culture University)
Children's use of prosodic information in ambiguity resolution
14:00-14:40 Koji Sugisaki & William Snyder (Mie University & University of Connecticut)
Children's grammatical conservatism: new evidence
[ Session 9 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 9A
15:00-15:40 Nobuko Hasegawa (Kanda University of International Studies)
The view from CP: force and person-feature agreement
15:40-16:20 Ju-Eun Lee (Soongsil University)
Asymmetries in two types of small clauses in English
Parallel Session 9B
15:00-15:40 Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University)
Polarity and intervention as interface phenomena
15:40-16:20 Takeo Kurafuji (Ritsumeikan University)
Pair-readings of comparatives with quantifiers
[ Session 10 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 10A
8:30-9:10 Yen-Hui Audrey Li (University of Southern California)
Locative object and case
9:10-9:50 Ayesha Kidwai (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Morphological case is structural: the case of Hindi accusative –ko
Parallel Session 10B
8:30-9:10 Peter Jenks (Harvard University)
Quantifier float as quantifier raising: evidence from Thai
9:10-9:50 Hagit Borer & Sarah Ouwayda (University of Southern California)
Count plural vs. Cardinal plural in Arabic
[ Session 11 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 11A
10:10-10:50 Nobuaki Akagi, Rosalind Thornton & Takuya Goro (Macquarie University & Ibaraki University)
Toward a universal typology of yes-no questions: implications from child Japanese
10:50-11:30 Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania)
Predicting language change
Parallel Session 11B: Poster Session
10:10-11:30 & through lunch time Duk-Ho An (Konkuk University)
On the curious nature of genitive case in Korean
Yoshio Endo (Kanda University of International Studies)
A syntactic view of head movement: a cartographic approach to adverbial clauses
Doreen Georgi & Martin Salzmann (University of Leipzig & University of Zurich)
Unifying double agreement and possessor agreement
Alessandra Giorgi (University of Venice)
The syntax of commas: an analysis of two types of parentheticals
Li (Julie) Jiang & Suhua Hu (Harvard University & Minzu University of China)
Su—The determiner and complementizer in Yi
Masakazu Kuno (Waseda University)
Phases, cyclicity and feature percolation
Hideki Maki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, Megumi Hasebe & Juri Yoshimura (Gifu University, Nihon University & Morioka University)
Deep genitive in modern Inner Mongolian
Fuyun Wu (Shanghai International Studies University)
Adding syntactic heads to the left edge of relative clauses does not necessarily mean processing difficulty—evidence from Mandarin Chinese
Gang Wu (South China University of Technology)
A study of referential nominal phrases: GP, QP and DP
[ Session 12 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 12A
13:20-14:40 Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University & University of Connecticut)
The Linguistic Constellations: Relating Acquisition Phenomena with Parameter Setting
14:40-15:20 Adriana Belletti (University of Siena)
Relatives, relative to children and adults. Comparative evidence with main focus on Italian
Parallel Session 12B
13:20-14:00 Raghavachari Amritavalli (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
Person checking in nominative and ergative languages
14:00-14:40 Thomas McFadden (University of Tromsø)
The distribution of for in English infinitives: case vs. cartography
[ Session 13 (Parallel Sessions) ]
Parallel Session 13A
15:00-15:40 Hedzer Hugo Zeijlstra & Sabine Iatridou (University of Amsterdam & MIT)
Negation and negative indefinites in deontic modal constructions
15:40-16:20 Hsiu-Chen Daphne Liao (Harvard University)
The semantics of Chinese wh-phrases in their non-interrogative uses
Parallel Session 13B
15:00-15:40 K. A. Jayaseelan (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
On two types of movements
15:40-16:20 Ken Safir (Rutgers University)
The typology of 'movement' as an epiphenomenon
[ Session 14 ]
16:40-17:20 Luigi Rizzi (University of Siena)
The cartography of syntactic structures: criteria, freezing and interface effects

Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University

18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku
Nagoya, 466-8673, Japan
Phone: +81-52-832-3110 (ext.3547)
FAX :+81-52-832-5688
E-mail: ling-office@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp
Office: L307 (Bldg.-L / 3rd floor)
[ Open: Mon,Wed,Fri, 10:00~16:00 ]