


GLOW in Asia X

Feb 20-22, 2017, National University of Singapore



DAY 1: Monday, Februarly 20, 2017

[ Welcome ]
9:15-9:30 Robbie Goh ( Dean of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS)
9:30-10:15 Lisa Cheng, Caroline Heycock and Roberto Zamparelli
Structural Definiteness
10:15-11:00 Dorothy Ahn
Semantics of definite descriptions: A micro-typology

[ Plenary Talk ]
11:30-12:30 Edith Aldridge
Extraction Asymmetries in Ergative and Accusative Languages
14:00-14:45 Deborah Jia Ming Wong
Negative Polarity Items in Malay: An Exhaustification Account
14:45-15:30 Mingming Liu
Dou-quantification, distributivity and alternative semantics
[ Posters ]
15:30-17:00 Yuko Asada
Simultaneity in sign language: some observations from Japanese Sign Language
Michael Barrie and Hyunjung Lee
Complementizer Allomorphy in Busan Korean
Yi-Hsun Chen
On the ambiguity and unambiguity of superlative modifiers
Jaehoon Choi and Heidi Harley
Node Sprouting and Root Suppletion in Korean Verbal Morphology
Jamie Douglas, Rodrigo Ranero and Michelle Sheehan
Two kinds of syntactic ergativity in Mayan
Ryan Walter Smith and Ryoichiro Kobayashi
Focusing on coordination: the case of Japanese –toka and –tari
Yuta Tatsumi
A Compositional Analysis of Plural Morphemes in Japanese
17:00-17:45 Isabelle Charnavel and Yujing Huang
Re-examining the binding conditions of Mandarin anaphor ziji in the light of inanimacy
17:45- Aaron Doliana and Sandhya Sundaresan
Toward a formal analysis of proxy control


9:45-10:30 Dongwoo Park
What is elided in English vbP ellipsis, and when?
10:30-11:15 Saurov Syed and Bhamati Dash
A unified account of the yes/no particle in Hindi, Bangla, and Odia
11:15-12:00 Hiroko Kimura and Hiroki Narita
Non-Movement Properties and Structural Isomorphism of Fragment Answers in Japanese
[ Posters ]
13:30-15:00 Nobu Goto
Eliminating Strong/Weak Parameter on T
Hayeun Jang
Decay of ungrounded rules: the residual vowel harmony of Middle Korean in Contemporary Korean
Fumio Mohri and Rai Tei
Degree Nominals in Japanese and Chinese Comparatives
Tomonori Otsuka
On Two Ways of External Pair-Merge
Hiroaki Saito
like/type, say, and C
Paroma Sanyal and Reena Ashem
Phonemic Instability: A butterfly effect
Satoshi Tomioka
Maximality Mimics Exhaustivity: A Case Study of Dake ‘only’ in Japanese
Barry C.-Y. Yang
Rethinking Wh-island
15:00-15:45 Yifan Yang and Wei Wei
Verbal reduplication in Mandarin Chinese: an analysis at syntax-phonology interface
15:45-16:30Taewoo Kim
Korean verbal base is determined based on the usage, not informativeness
[ Plenary Talk]
17:00-18:00 Timothy Vance
The Japanese Syllable Debate: A Skeptical Look at Some Anti-Syllable Arguments


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