

Nanzan University Center for Linguistics


Selected Papers

Yu Izumi




1 "Definite Descriptions and the Alleged East-West Variation in Judgements about Reference," Philosophical studies, vol.175(5), pp.1183-1205. PDFファイルのダウンロード

2 Yu Izumi, Heechul Ju, and Katsuhito Nakasone, 2018, "Hate Speech: Shinrai no Kowashikata" (“Hate Speech: How to Break Trust”), Tora Koyama ed., Shinrai-o Kangaeru: Leviathan kara Jinkochinou made (“Thinking about Trust: From Leviathan to Artificial Intelligence”), Keiso Shobo, pp.281-304 (in Japanese).

3 “Expressive Small Clauses in Japanese,” (with Shintaro Hayashi), in S. Arai et al. eds., New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2017 Workshops Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence, pp.188-199.  


 "Expressive Small Clauses in Japanese" (with Shintaro Hayashi), The Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14, ISBN 978-4-915905-85-8 C3004(JSAI)PDFファイルのダウンロード

Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University

18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku
Nagoya, 466-8673, Japan
Phone: +81-52-832-3110 (ext.3547)
FAX :+81-52-832-5688
E-mail: ling-office@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp
Office: L307 (Bldg.-L / 3rd floor)
[ Open: Mon,Wed,Fri, 10:00~16:00 ]