論文名 |
著者 |
ダウンロード |
Derivational Theta-marking and a Uniform Analysis of the Progressive/ Perfective -te iru (2007) |
M. Aono |
Some Preliminary Notes on the WANT-DP Construction in BE-Languages (2008) |
V. Chaturvedi, T. Fujii, A. Ito, T. Kawamura and P. Sanyal |
The Emergence of Speech Act Phrase: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Two Japanese-Speaking Infants (2009) |
M. Dejima, T. Nakatani, and K. Murasugi |
Two Types of Causatives in Japanese and JSL: A Study in Syntax and Acquisition (2007) |
C. Fuji |
VP-Shell Analysis for the Acquisition of Japanese Potentials (2008) |
C. Fuji, T. Hashimoto and K. Murasugi |
Controlling Japanese Experiencer (2007) |
T. Fujii |
WH-adverbials in-situ, Their Island-(in)sensitivity and the Role of Demonstratives in Wh-in-situ Licensing (2007) |
T. Fujii and K. Takita |
Argument Structure of Japanese Ditransitives (2007) |
A. Ito |
NP Movement into Theta-positions and Unexpected Behavior of Numeral Quantifier Stranding (2008) |
A. Ito |
The Acquisition of the Mechanism of Unselective Binding, LF Wh-Movement and Constraints on Movement (2007) |
Y. Kabuto |
Adverbial Because-clauses as Focal Elements (2008) |
T. Kawamura |
On the Properties of Infant Vocalization in the Japanese Pre-verbal Stage (2008) |
T. Nakatani-Murai |
A Syntactic Analysis of Copula Sentences (2007) |
M. Niimura |
Ellipsis and Repair Effects (2008) |
S. Sugawa |
NP-internal Honorification and N'-Deletion in Japanese (2007) |
K. Takita |
Focus and Wh Features in Interrogative C (2007) |
K. Takita |
Category-based unselective binding: Evidence from Japanese (2007) |
K. Takita, C. Fuji, Y. Kabuto, E. Watanabe, and T. Fujii |
WH-questions in Chinese and Japanese 1: Anti-crossing and anti-superiority (2007) |
K. Takita, C. Fuji, and B. C.-Y. Yang |
Number in Japanese (2009) |
Y. Ueda |
Plurality in Japanese and Chinese (2008) |
Y. Ueda and T. Haraguchi |
The Overgeneration of Dative Subjects in Child Japanese (2008) |
E. Watanabe |
Experimental Evidence for the Parameter Resetting Hypothesis: The Second Language Acquisition of English Reflexive-Binding by Japanese Speakers (2008) |
E. Watanabe, C. Fuji, Y. Kabuto and K. Murasugi |
The Structure of the Japanese Potential (r)eru Construction: A Study in Syntax, Learnability, and Acquisition (2007) |
K. Yano |