


論文名 著者 ダウンロード
Derivational Theta-marking and a Uniform Analysis of the Progressive/ Perfective -te iru (2007) M. Aono PDFのダウンロード
Some Preliminary Notes on the WANT-DP Construction in BE-Languages (2008) V. Chaturvedi, T. Fujii, A. Ito, T. Kawamura and P. Sanyal PDFのダウンロード
The Emergence of Speech Act Phrase: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Two Japanese-Speaking Infants (2009) M. Dejima, T. Nakatani, and K. Murasugi PDFのダウンロード
Two Types of Causatives in Japanese and JSL: A Study in Syntax and Acquisition (2007) C. Fuji PDFのダウンロード
VP-Shell Analysis for the Acquisition of Japanese Potentials (2008) C. Fuji, T. Hashimoto and K. Murasugi PDFのダウンロード
Controlling Japanese Experiencer (2007) T. Fujii PDFのダウンロード
WH-adverbials in-situ, Their Island-(in)sensitivity and the Role of Demonstratives in Wh-in-situ Licensing (2007) T. Fujii and K. Takita PDFのダウンロード
Argument Structure of Japanese Ditransitives (2007) A. Ito PDFのダウンロード
NP Movement into Theta-positions and Unexpected Behavior of Numeral Quantifier Stranding (2008) A. Ito PDFのダウンロード
The Acquisition of the Mechanism of Unselective Binding, LF Wh-Movement and Constraints on Movement (2007) Y. Kabuto PDFのダウンロード
Adverbial Because-clauses as Focal Elements (2008) T. Kawamura PDFのダウンロード
On the Properties of Infant Vocalization in the Japanese Pre-verbal Stage (2008) T. Nakatani-Murai  PDFのダウンロード
A Syntactic Analysis of Copula Sentences (2007) M. Niimura PDFのダウンロード
Ellipsis and Repair Effects (2008) S. Sugawa  PDFのダウンロード
NP-internal Honorification and N'-Deletion in Japanese (2007) K. Takita PDFのダウンロード
Focus and Wh Features in Interrogative C (2007) K. Takita PDFのダウンロード
Category-based unselective binding: Evidence from Japanese (2007) K. Takita, C. Fuji, Y. Kabuto, E. Watanabe, and T. Fujii PDFのダウンロード
WH-questions in Chinese and Japanese 1: Anti-crossing and anti-superiority (2007) K. Takita, C. Fuji, and B. C.-Y. Yang PDFのダウンロード
Number in Japanese (2009) Y. Ueda PDFのダウンロード
Plurality in Japanese and Chinese (2008) Y. Ueda and T. Haraguchi PDFのダウンロード
The Overgeneration of Dative Subjects in Child Japanese (2008) E. Watanabe  PDFのダウンロード
Experimental Evidence for the Parameter Resetting Hypothesis: The Second Language Acquisition of English Reflexive-Binding by Japanese Speakers (2008)  E. Watanabe, C. Fuji, Y. Kabuto and K. Murasugi  PDFのダウンロード
The Structure of the Japanese Potential (r)eru Construction: A Study in Syntax, Learnability, and Acquisition (2007) K. Yano PDFのダウンロード


資料名 著者 ダウンロード
Some Milestones in the Development of Binding Theory
H. Lasnik
Repair by Ellipsis Revisted
H. Lasnik
Word Order and Event Structure in Mandarin Chinese
J. Lin