
About This Consortium Project

The grant project “Initiatives for Attractive Education at Graduate Schools” has been conducted by the organization of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). It aims to promote and advance the progress in graduate education through grants awarded to graduate programs in Japan. The graduate program of Linguistic Science offered at Nanzan University has been supported by the grant since April 2006. We have commenced the Consortium for ‘Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy’, which intends to enhance international research interchanges amongst graduate students from different institutions around the world. Nanzan University serves as an initial host institution for this international research exchange project. Institutions involved in this Consortium are the University of Cambridge, UK, the University of Connecticut, USA, the English and Foreign Languages University-Hyderabad, India, Dongduk Women’s University, Korea, Free University Berlin, Germany, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the University of Siena, Italy.


The government funding for this project was for 2006~2008. But we are continuing the consortium activities initiated by this funding. Information on future as well as past events can be found on this page and the homepage of Center for Linguistics.



Program in Linguistic Science Graduate School of Humanities Nanzan University
18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku Nagoya 466-8673 Japan
[tel] +81-52-832-3110 (ext. 3567)   [e-mail] ling-gp[AT]nanzan-u.ac.jp   [visit] directions