

Nanzan University Center for Linguistics



September 4-6, 2012, Mie University



DAY 1: Tuesday 4 September 2012

[ Invited Talk 1]
9:30-10:30 Akira Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
Uninterpretable Features and Agreement
[ Session 1 ]
10:45-11:30 Na Liu (Tianjin Normal University)
The Syntactic Structures of Chinese Bei-Passive and the English Be-Passive
11:30-12:15 Yoshiki Ogawa & Fumikazu Niinuma (Tohoku University/Morioka University)
On the Syntactic Licensing of Locative Expressions in Japanese
[ Poster Session 1 ]
13:00-14:00 Tomoe Arii (University of Tokyo)
Children's Absolute Interpretation of Japanese Numeral Classifier Phrase Comparatives
Sihwei Chen (University of British Columbia)
The Interaction of Modals and Temporal Marking in Mandarin Chinese
Jui-yi Zoey Chung (National Tsing Hua University)
Non‐Canonical Disposal Construction: Investigating the Jiong Construction and the vP Periphery in Hakka
Hajime Ikawa (Aoyama Gakuin University)
On the Ineligibility of Wh-phrases for Argument Ellipsis
Yukino Kobayashi (Sophia University)
Anti-Licensing Theory of Unmarked Cases and Ga/No Conversion
Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Wh-Adjuncts and the Left Periphery
Terue Nakato‐Miyashita (Kitasato University)
Number Agreement between Possessive Pronouns and Head Nouns: Agree or not?
Masao Ochi (Osaka University)
Wh-Adjuncts and the Left Periphery
Yosuke Sato & Yoshihito Dobashi (National University of Singapore/Niigata University)
Prosodic Phrasing and That-Trace Effects at the Syntax‐Prosody Interface
Yoshiyuki Shibata (University of Connecticut)
Obligatory Wide Scope as Anti‐Reconstruction Effects
Ji Young Shim (CUNY Graduate Center)
The Role of Light Verbs in Word Order Variation: Evidence from Code-Switching
Koichi Tateishi (Kobe College)
Heavily OCP-Based Inflectional Morphophonology of the So-Called I-Ochi (/i/-Drop) in Japanese
Wen-Hsin Tseng (National Tsing Hua University)
Generalize Adjective Reduplication in Mandarin with a Post‐Syntactic Framework
Yuyun Iris Wang & Wei-Wen Roger Liao (University of Southern California/Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Moving to the Left Periphery: Syntax or PF?
Yusuke Yoda (Osaka University)
Structure of &P and Contextual Allomorphy
Mengxi Yuan & Yurie Hara (City University of Hong Kong)
The Syntax and Semantics of Assertion Modifiers Dique and Zhende in Mandarin
[ Session 2 ]
14:00-14:45 Richard Faure (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
Know, tell, and the Selection of Wh-Questions in Classical Greek
14:45-15:30 Ana Paula Scher (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
Concatenative Affixation in Brazilian Portuguese Truncated Forms
[ Session 3 ]
15:45-16:30 Li Haoze (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Association between Focus Particles and Interrogative Wh-Words
15:40-16:20 Jooyoung Kim & Satoshi Tomioka (University of Delaware)
Interpreting Speaker-Oriented Embedded Questions in Korean and Japanese
[ Invited Talk 2 ]
16:40-17:20 Uli Sauerland (Harvard/ZAS)
Language Universals in Person Syncretism Patterns: Evidence for Paninian Grammar
[ Invited Talk 3 ]
9:15-10:15 Anders Holmberg (Newcastle University)
The Syntax of Negative Questions and their Answers
[ Session 4 ]
10:30-11:15 Isabelle Charnavel & Dominique Sportiche (UCLA/ENS/IJN)
Binding Domain for Condition A

Samuel Epstein, Hisatsugu Kitahara & Daniel Seely

(University of Michigan/Keio University/Eastern Michigan University)
Set Intersection in Bare Phrase Structure is Generable by Simplest Merge: Implications for Complementizer 'Trace' Explanation

[ Poster Session 2 ]
12:45-13:45 Hyunjung Ahn (University of Washington)
L2 Acquisition of Case Particles in Korean: A Discrepancy in Syntactic Features and Morphological Features
Michael Barrie (Sogang University)
Noun Incorporation and the Person Feature Hierarchy
Michael Barrie & Eric Mathieu (Sogang University/Universite d'Ottawa)
Why We Can’t Move Ahead with Noun Incorporation
Priyanka Biswas (University of Southern California)
Plurality in a Classifier Language: Two Types of Plurals in Bangla
Tim Chou & Sujeewa Hettiarachchi (University of Michigan, Ann Arnor)
Sinhala Case Marking, Modality, and A-Movement
Yuli Feng (City University of Hong Kong)
Mei-Dou Co-Occurrence: Division of Labor in Chinese Universal Quantification
Martin Hackl, Ayaka Sugawara, Su Lin Blodgett & Kenneth Wexler (MIT/Wellesley College)
Scalar Presupposition and the Generation of Alternatives in the Acquisition of Only
Yurie Hara (City University of Hong Kong)
On the Interaction among Sentence Types, Bias, and Intonation: A Rating Study
Jungmin Kang (University of Connecticut)
On the Unavailability of Successive-Cyclic Movement via SpecCP in Korean
Jess Hoi-Ki Law (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Parasitic Gaps in Mandarin as True Empty Categories
Masako Maeda (Kyushu University)
Scrambling and Intervention Effects under the Derivational Chain Interpretation
Hisashi Morita (Aichi Prefectural University)
How the Syntax Knows When to Apply Binding or Movement to Wh-expressions
Masashi Nomura & Yuka Makita (Chukyo University/Chubu University)
Defectiveness, Cliticization, and Long-Distance Reflexives in Icelandic
Saurov Syed (University of Southern California)
DP-Internal Focus and Topic in Bangla
Chia-Fen Wu (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica)
The Experiential Perfect Marker Bat in Taiwanese Southern Min
Kazuko Yatsushiro & Uli Sauerland (Harvard/ZAS)
On the Syntax of Question Speech Acts
Likan Zhan, Stephen Crain & Peng Zhou (Macquarie University)
The Anticipatory Effects of Focus Operators: A Visual-World Eye-Tracking Experiment
[ Session 5 ]

Chizuru Nakao, Masaya Yoshida & Ivan Ortega‐Santos

(Daito Bunka University/Northwestern University/The University of Memphis)
On the Structure of Japanese 'Why'-Stripping

14:30-15:15 David J. Medeiros (University of Michigan)
A Cyclic Linearization Approach to Polynesian VP‐Remnant Movement
[ Session 6 ]
15:30-16:15 Shin‐Ichiro Sano (International Christian University)
Patterns in Avoidance of Marked Segmental Configurations in Japanese Loanword Phonology
16:15-17:00 Yu Tanaka & Jun Yashima (University of California, Los Angeles)
Deliberate Markedness in Japanese Hypocoristics
[ Invited Talk 4 ]
17:15-18:15 Junko Ito & Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz)
Recursive Prosody and Match Theory: Evidence from Japanese
[ Session 7 ]
9:30-10:15 Troy Messick (University of Connecticut)
Ellipsis and Reconstruction in Tough Infinitives
10:15-11:00 Chieu Nguyen (University of Chicago)
Non-Adjacent Licensing in the Vietnamese Universal QuantificationConstruction
11:00-11:45 Mythili Menon (University of Southern California)
The Syntax of the Adjective in Dravidian
Workshop on Experimental Linguistics
[ Invited Talk 1 ]
13:00-14:00 Hiromu Sakai (Hiroshima University)
Processing Event in Real‐Time
[ Session 1 ]
14:00-14:45 Dan Michel & Grant Goodall (University of California, San Diego)
Finiteness and the Nature of Island Constraints
15:00-15:45 Yanan Sheng & Fuyun Wu (Shanghai International Studies University)
Audience Design Affects Classifier Positioning in Chinese Relative Clauses: Evidence from Spoken Corpus and Sentence-Production Data
15:45-16:30 Ayaka Sugawara, Hadas Kotek, Martin Hackl & Kenneth Wexler (MIT)
Long vs. Short QR: Evidence from the Acquisition of ACD
[ Invited Talk 2 ]
15:00-15:40 William Snyder (University of Connecticut)
Children’s Grammatical Conservatism, and the Nature of Syntactic Knowledge

Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University

18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku
Nagoya, 466-8673, Japan
Phone: +81-52-832-3110 (ext.3547)
FAX :+81-52-832-5688
E-mail: ling-office@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp
Office: L307 (Bldg.-L / 3rd floor)
[ Open: Mon,Wed,Fri, 10:00~16:00 ]